My work

Here’s a list of current & past projects I have been involved in to help music artists, professionals and entrepreneurs unleash the power of NFTs to build music fan communities and generate front-loaded revenue. 

Artist: Wilczynski

Service: Concept & NFT Drop Strategy

Wilczynski is a Lofi Artist from Baden, Germany boasting over 300K monthly listeners on Spotify. 

Based on his artistic essence and vision we crafted a 6-track Audio-visual experience Music NFT collection called “Gratitude & Growth” targeted at promoting mindfulness in your life. 

Utilities, incl. reading material, AMAs with Mindfulness coaches, Vinyl records etc., which will unlock once you collect multiple NFTs.

Open Sea: Click here

Company: Numbers Protocol

Numbers protocol is a decentralized asset network and the winner of the SXSW Pitch 2023 in the web3 category.

I am serving as a Music Authenticity and ethical AI partner at Numbers protocol helping them to explore the impact of AI on the music industry and work with music artists, labels, publishers and more on exploring the benefits of decentralized provenance and authenticity of music. 

Press Release: Click here

Company: Digitrax